Marketing Consulting and Expertise
Z-Marketing LLC, offers business owners, direct access to a team of highly experienced marketing professionals, tasked with the goal of increasing our client’s revenues and bolstering profit margins. Businesses who buy advertising randomly are doing Band-Aid Marketing. It's costly and never provides an effective ROI.
Custom Design Marketing Strategies
Z- Marketing will customize a strategic marketing plan, directing your marketing message specifically at your primary customer demographics. Your message will be clear and concise, with a call to action that resonates with your clients converting to better leads and more sales.
Media Buying and Planning
Z-Marketing understands the nuances of buying the most effective advertising media. The key to a successful marketing campaign is one that delivers an optimal ROI on your marketing investment.
Our unique set of negotiating skills makes it possible to save our clients from 15-50% on their advertising cost. Then converting those saving into the purchasing of more media.
Our media buying expertise sorts through the advertising clutter, so our clients see the positive results of their marketing investment. We take the burden of meeting deadlines, and producing good ads and effective commercials out of the hands of owners and free them up to do what they do best, run their business.
Your In-House Marketing Manager
We buy all forms of media from, Radio, TV and Cable TV, Direct Mail, Digital Marketing, Social Media, and Outdoor signage.
Franchise Marketing
Z-Marketing has a "Particular set of Skills" in the area of Franchise Marketing. Often times a Franchise Owners are given 3 ring binder marketed “Advertising Ideas”. Then they are thrown to the media wolves. We provide direction and guidance, so their dreams can be realized.